We are resuming the weekly meditation group on line.
The days will be the same as they were before Covid 19, alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. The starting time is a bit later than it was previously.
Tues. June 23; Thurs. July 2; Tues. July 7; Thurs. July 16; Tues July 21; Thurs July 30; Tues. Aug 4; Thurs Aug 13; Tues Aug 18; Thurs Aug 27; Tues. Sept. 1; Thurs. Sept. 10; Tues. Sept. 15; Thurs Sept. 24; Tues Sept. 29
The timing will be:
6:45 Gather and greet
7:00 – 8:00 Meditation and discussion
There is a group of Mindfulness Hamilton members who have volunteered to facilitate the group.
The format varies from week to week but will usually consist of a number of guided meditations, sometimes seated, sometimes moving, and discussion and questions and answers.
Participants vary from people completely new to meditation to experienced meditators.
People who have expressed an interest will be sent a Zoom invitation.
If you are interested in participating or facilitating please let us know at: mindfulnesshamilton@gmail.com