Many of these mindfulness organization have extensive on line learning resources, including courses, video talks, digital libraries, blogs, documentaries, free meditations etc. Some of these organizations are also listed under other resourse categories such as retreats and on line meditations and courses.
- American Mindfulness Research Association (Los Angeles, California)
- Buddhist Recovery Network The Buddhist Recovery Network promotes the use of Buddhist teachings and practices to help people recover from the suffering caused by addictive behaviors and is open to people of all backgrounds, and respectful of all recovery paths.
- Burlington Mindfulness Based in Burlington, Ontario, our drop-in group meets twice a month to talk about and practice mindfulness, meditation, and related topics
- CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Mindfulness Resources
- Develop Good Habits 71 Daily Mindfulness Challenges Exercises and Ideas
- Community Meditation Southern Ontario meditation and mindfulness support group
- The Free Mindfulness Project A growing collection of free-to-download mindfulness meditation exercises and resources
- Hamilton Health Sciences Resilience Support Toolkit for Health Care Workers
- Magination Press: Resources for Mindfulness for Kids
- Insight Meditation Society (Buddhist) (Barre, Massachusetts)
- Mind and Life Institute Bringing science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world.
- Mindfulness for Teens videos, guided meditations, and more resources
- Mindful free newsletter and 5 day intro mindful meditation guide
- Mindful Self Compassion Oakville-based in person and on line MSC courses including for teens and healthcare prividers, free MSC meditations
- Mindfulness McMaster Club Weekly in person meetings during school year
- Mindfulness Toronto A vibrant community of professionals dedicated to the principles and practice of mindfulness in all sectors of society
- Mindmasters 2 Ottawa Public Health resources to help children to master emotional regulation
- Mindwell MindWell’s proprietary Take 5, a mindfulness-in-action practice builds capacity for self-regulation and behaviour management (paid)
- Modern Mindfulness An interactive online program that creates focused, relaxed classrooms. It builds students’ executive functioning skills and gives educators the tools to become mindfulness experts.
- Nestmaven (sleep products company) Mindfulness and Sleep explained
- Present Moment Mindfulness Practice and Science: Various resources including podcast, meditation
- Refugee Recovery is a Buddhist Path to Recovery from Addiction. A Buddhist-oriented, non-theistic recovery program that does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery.
- Smiling Mind Meditation Courses and Programs
- Omega Institute The practice of mindfulness meditation has become an increasingly valued part of Omega’s offerings. (paid)
- Recovery Dharma global Using Buddhist Practices and Principles to Recover from Addiction
- Shambhala (Buddhist) videos, on line courses
- Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Buddhist) (Woodacre, California) (paid) courses, drop-in meditations and talks
- Theravada Buddhist Community A Toronto based Lay Community (Buddhist) (free) archived talks
- Unified Mindfulness (free) 10 part Foundations introduction to meditation, (paid) 3 step mindfulness teacher/coach training “Foundations, Pathways, and Compass”