Hamilton Teachers
This is a listing of people in Hamilton and area who teach or facilitate mindfulness or use mindfulness in their work as counsellors, coaches, etc. See key below for definitions of the letter abbreviations of their profession and their mindfulness training. If you are a mindfulness teacher or facilitator and wish to be listed here please let us know at info@mindfulnesshamilton.ca
Lauren Anastasi SW Psychotherapy
Sharon Babineau Corporate Wellness Facilitator & Mindfulness Specialist , Keynote speaker LinkedIn
Anthony Berlingeri Mindfulness Education Expert; Yoga Teacher Creating and teaching mindfulness programs for schools, colleges, healthcare professionals, non-profit organizations, and large health and wellness brands worldwide; Private On Line Meditation Coaching LinkedIn
Jane Cassano SW Counselling; MSC Mindful Self-Compassion is an evidence based program that helps us to tackle our inner critic and live with more ease. Jane is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher who specializes in helping health care workers learn self-compassion skills to deal with work related stressors and anxieties. The program combines self-compassion and mindfulness skills which helps participants develop a healthy relationship with themselves.
Andi D I am a registered massage therapist, certified yoga, and meditation instructor. I have been a the vipassana meditator for 30 years.
Jane Cassano SW Counselling; MSC
Colin DeFrance Introductory On-Line “Taste of Mindfulness” Workshops
Sally Dwyer Psychotherapy, Mindfulness Based; Mindfulness Certification
Steve Ferrell Counselling; ACT; Yoga teacher
Savinna Fredericksen Psychotherapy MBCT ACT DBT
Lori Goldblatt Thana-Doula, Life-Cycle Celebrant; Mindfulness based
Yael Greenburg SW Counselling Mindfulness Based
Nadia Hussain SW Psychotherapy; Mindfulness based
Lisa Kiss Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement Teacher LinkedIn Lisa is a 200-hr certified yoga instructor and certified mindfulness meditation teacher. She specializes in spiritual personal development tools who helps her clients find themselves again, see their authentic gifts, and connect with their inner wisdom. As an intuitive guide she provides 1:1 client support sessions, as well as courses rooted in finding emotional balance and peace within themselves.
Sheilah Laffan Yoga therapy Linked In
Allison Liss Allison is a Meditation teacher and Keynote speaker with a passion for mindfulness and inner peace. She shares a technique that gives each student a chance to experience a state of profound contemplation that is undisturbed by desire, anger, or other ego based thoughts and emotions. It is a calm state of thoughtlessness while still fully alert.
Lilli Markle Yoga teacher; Massage therapy; Mindfulness based
Jamie McCarthy Counselling MSC MBCT
Barry O’Grady MBSR LinkedIn
Decky-Lee Oldershaw Mindfulness teacher; Mindfulness Facilitator Mentorship; Transfomative Mindfulness Trainer
Patrice Palmer MB Psych Yoga Teacher Linked In An experienced Adult Educator (M.Ed., M.A, B.Ed) interested in well-being strategies especially in the education sector with a focus on mindful movement and positive psychology interventions. Trained yoga teacher (RYT® 200) and certified mindfulness instructor (SmartEducation™, University of British Columbia; Applied Specialization in Mindfulness Meditation, University of Toronto; Dynamic Mindfulness Training, Niroga Institute; Mindfulness Facilitator & Mindful @ Work, Mindfulness Without Borders).
Melanie Schwindt Mindfulness Teacher Certification; Meditation teaching, counselling Melanie Schwindt (pronouns she/her) is a graduate of the Awareness Training Institute in collaboration with the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California Berkeley. A certified Mindfulness instructor, speaker, coach and counsellor, with a background in Suicide Prevention, Corporate Management and Early Childhood Education, Melanie has experienced firsthand how mindfulness and insight meditation can foster well-being and resilience throughout a community.
Parmjit Singh Mindfulness teacher Yoga teacher Keynote speaker
Barbara Smith Psychotherapy; MSC
Natalie Sobel SW Counselling MSC
Valerie Spironello SW Therapy Keynote Speaker Mindfulness Faciltator Coaching MBSR MSC
Anna Taneburgo SW Counselling, Mindfulness Based MBSR
Melanie Vert Mindfulness Facilitator MBSR LinkedIn
Carla Waites Mindfulness Facilitator SMART LinkedIn
Mindfulness Based Group Program Teacher Certification Key
MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reducation
MBCT Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
MSC Mindful Self Compassion
ACT Acceptance and Committment Training
MA Mindfulness Ambassador
MB Mindfulness Without Borders
DBT Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
SMART Teacher Wellbeing in Education
Professional designation
SW Registered Social Worker
Psych Clinical Psychologist
If you know of a resource that we should add to this page, or if you find a link that does not work, please let us know by email at mindfulnesshamilton@gmail.com.