Mindfulness Teacher Training
- Dr. Jackie Ang 25 hr. mindfulness teacher training
- University of Toronto Centre for Continuing Studies
- Centre for Mindfulness Studies Toronto
- Insight Meditation Society (Buddhist)
- Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
- Spirit Rock (Buddhist)
Mostly Online
- Embodied Teaching Program: 6 one hour classes Marci Crawford
- Sounds True Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program: (Buddhist themed) A two year on line training facilitatated by Tara brach and Jack Kornfield with certification by the Awareness Training Institute and the Good Science Centre at the University of California
- Unified Mindfulness (Shinzen Young)
Diversity Training
- Cheetah House Professional Trainings Professional trainings in meditation-related difficulties, meditation safety and trauma-sensitive mindfulness are available to meditation teachers, clinicians, educators , mindfulness/meditation organizations.
- Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness 1 hr. webinar Dr David Treleaven (free)
- Neurodiversity-Informed Mindfulness Mindful Society Global Institure 4 week on line self paced course.
Note that some meditation is part of yoga teacher training. Many yoga teachers take further meditation teacher training.
Supplies for Yoga and Meditation
- Love My Mat Hamilton
- Simply Zen, Hamilton
- Snow Lion, Toronto
- Tea Earth And Sky St. Jacobs village (10% discount for MH members)
If you know of a resource that we should add to this page, or if you find that a link does not work, please let us know by email at info@mindfulnesshamilton.ca.