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MINDFUL SELF-COMPASSION (MSC) is an empirically-supported, 8-week, training program designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion and is based on the groundbreaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Christopher Germer. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE PROGRAM Course activities include meditation, short talks, experiential exercises, small and large group discussion, and home practices.  […]

Co-Design Inner Work: Cultivating a Co-Design ‘Heartset’ and‘Mindset’ within Ourselves and with Others

McMaster Centre fro Continuing Education 1 James St N, Hamilton ON Room #OJN 206, Ontario, Canada

Are you a community member, designer, researcher, or student? Are you interested in co-design? Please join us on June 1st at the McMaster Centre for Continuing Education for our in-person workshop: Facilitated by Dr. Sean Park, Dr. Robert Fleisig & Dr. Bill Sutherland  In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own lived experience in cultivating a […]

$50 – $75

Incorporating a Decolonization Process Into Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Jaisa Sulit

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Featuring: Jaisa Sulit, registered OT(Ontario) This will be an evening of storytelling by Jaisa Sulit where attendees will hear about how decolonization has: Affected her mindfulness and self-compassion practice, Expanded her views on rest, Changed the way that she teaches mindfulness and self-compassion, and Deepened her relationship with the body,  nature, history and ancestors – broadening […]


Unified Mindfulness 4th Annual Retreat and 5 Day Workshop 100% Free

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What is Immersion? A worldwide, virtual meditation event that you can join any time of day in any time zone for five full days. You'll be guided and supported by our International Unified Mindfulness coaching community and top UM teachers. You'll learn not only seated practice techniques, but also dozens of ways to practice on the go and when […]


Everyday Mindfulness with Mike Masse

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South,, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

For further information and tickets go to LINK  

$5 – $10