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IMMERSON: A free on line mindfulness retreat, 24 hrs a day for 5 days May 12-16 2021

What is Immersion? An unprecedented, worldwide meditation event that you can join any time of day in any time zone for five full days. You'll be guided and supported by our International Unified Mindfulness coaching community and top UM teachers.  You'll learn not only seated practice techniques, but also dozens of ways to practice on the go and when […]

Transforming Anxiety with Mindfulness: an Evening Workshop with Erika Casperson Nov 17

Zoom zoom

How we can use mindfulness and meditation practices to find balance, calm and strength In this workshop you will learn about why human beings are naturally so anxious. There is almost no one who has not experienced stress and anxiety before or during this covid-19 pandemic.   You will learn how regular simple mindfulness exercises can help you access internal […]

$5 – $10