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Our colleagues Dr. Norm Farb and Dr Zindel Segal are offering a free workshop as part of the 2024 Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Exploratory Conversations Series, at the Center for Mindfulness & Compassion in Massachusetts, in support of Institute for Meditation & Psychotherapy Certificate Program. This workshop takes place tomorrow, September 19 – see details below!
Panelists: Norman Farb, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Toronto Mississauga and Zindel Segal, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology in Mood Disorders, University of Toronto Scarborough
► this workshop is online. Learn more and register here.
Topic: Better in Every Sense: The Promise of Sense Foraging Practices for Addressing Interoceptive Dysfunction in Affective Disorders
Dr. Norman Farb studies the neuroscience of the self and human emotion, with a focus on how mental habits shape emotional reactions that determine well-being. As one of the founders of the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy program, Dr. Zindel V. Segal examines the use of mindfulness meditation in promoting affect regulation skills in people suffering from depressive and anxiety based disorders. Learn more about both speakers and their new book here.
This live Zoom discussion is the third offering in the CMC/IMP Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Exploratory Conversations Series, which will explore influences on the practice of psychotherapy and healing originating from various contemplative traditions and other non-clinical sources. Attendance is free and pre-registration is required. This event will be recorded and made available to all registrants within a few days after the talk. Please visit the Institute for Meditation & Psychotherapy Certificate Program to learn more about IMP.