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8-week mindfulness course

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Wake Up Kate 8-Week MBSR Course

WHAT IS MINDFULNESS-BASED STRESS REDUCTION? This 8 week, 9 session MBSR curriculum is being offered by Wake Up Kate and is based on an intensive training in mindfulness meditation. The curriculum was developed by the University of Massachusetts Medical School & Centre For Mindfulness over the course of three decades and is designed to teach […]

8-Week MBSR Course – Oakville, October 9, 2018

The 8 week, 9 session MBSR curriculum is based on an intensive training in mindfulness meditation. Embedded within the context of Mind/Body and Integrative Medicine, the MBSR curriculum focuses on the cultivation of both 'formal and 'informal' mindfulness practices as a foundation  for psychological and emotional resilience that can be utilized across your entire life. […]

Event Series Mindful Self-Compassion 8-Week Course

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-Week Course

From the research of Dr. Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Dr. Chris Germer, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is a mindfulness-based training course in self-compassion. Research has shown that Self-Compassion training often leads to less stress, anxiety, and depression; more optimism, happiness, and gratitude; more effective regulation of negative emotions; increased ability to care-give without […]

$425 – $475