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Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported program designed to cultivate self-compassion and is based on the groundbreaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Chritopher Germer.
Mindfulness opens us to the present moment. Kindness and compassion opens our hearts to suffering so that we can give ourselves what we need. Common humanity opens us to our inter-relatedness so that we realize that we are not alone.
Research has demonstrated that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional well-being, less anxiety, depression and stress, maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise and satisfying personal relationships. MSC practices enable participants to respond to difficult moments in their lives with kindness, care, and understanding.
Studies confirm that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional well-being; less anxiety, depression and stress; maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise and more satisfying personal relationships! And it is easier than you think.
Consider attending this workshop if you are experiencing:
A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.” – Christopher Germer
This workshop will be an introduction to MSC and it’s origins along with introducing some of the basic MSC practices. It will be a combination of didactic and practice with lots of time for discussion.
Barbara Smith, MFA, MS psych, RP has been a registered Psychotherapist in private practice for three decades. She is retired from the Hamilton Family Health Team where she worked as a mental health counsellor. Barbara has been involved in contemplative studies for over four decades and has extensive experience in Mindfulness. She has trained in MBSR, DRAM, and Mindful Communication. She is a trained Mindful Self Compassion Teacher through the CMSC and was trained by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer. She studied with Michael Stone and Pema Chodron and Thich Nhat Hanh. Barbara has extensive professional experience as a group leader. She presently teaches Mindful Communication and Mindful Self Compassion courses through the McMaster Program for Faculty Development and Mindful Self Compassion Hamilton
Pre registration is required